
Monday, 17 June 2013

My Weekend at the Marae


HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! It is getting dark  and there’s so much things to do and so little time! We need to pack up so we can go to the Marae and we were already running late for the Maori celebration. The celebration was to welcome the family and the people who come to the Marae to see and talk to one another and because we live far, far away from the Marae, we had to stay there for 2 days.

Our stay there was wonderful. My uncle went to get lots and lots of bakery food. My sister had an allergic reaction because  my uncle said that she ate something that she was not suppose to. So my older sister took her to the hospital and sadly, she had to stay there for a night for observation. My uncle was laughing at my sick sister because she could not stop scratching herself and she was red all over her body and she looked like a red alien from planet x. She did look very funny!  

At the hospital, my sister was  screaming because there was no doctor to help her to get rid off the itchiness and the redness in her skin. The nurses gave her medicines to stop the itchiness. She was placed in a room and stay there until she gets better.

I feel sorry  for my sister because she missed out all the fun at the Marae. But I had such a great, happy and exciting time playing with my cousins there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Soana,
Cool story about going to the Marae. I hoped you enjoyed going there.

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